This page lets you sign up to a secure service to see a wide range of information about your council tax and/or business rate accounts and your benefit claims. We want you to be able to do more than that. We need to save money to continue providing the services our customers need and you can help us.
Do you realise every posted letter and bill costs the council over 1.00 to issue. Therefore if you receive a council tax or business rate bill why don't you sign up to receive these by email? And you can help us further by signing up to receive other correspondence by email or in some cases SMS.
If you are a Benefit Landlord, please enter your payee reference into the reference field below. You can find your payee reference on any payment schedule or notification document.
First name
Last name
The Council need to authenticate your details so requires the following information.
Providing this information will speed up the time taken to register you for your online account which will mean you can transact online with the council more quickly
Previous account reference
Enter previous postcode
Enter council tax postcode
Enter non domestic rates postcode
Explanatory Text
Enter tenanted property postcode